isn't it time to step into your boundaries?

Have you longed to break free from guilt, people-pleasing, and the exhaustion of caring for everyone else's needs (but your own)? 😮‍💨

Are you tired of sinking under the weight of everyone else's problems, giving to the point of burn-out, or being trapped in codependent relationship patterns and toxic relationship drama? 😵‍💫

If so, you’re not alone, my friend.

Being everything-to-everyone has its price.

The constant guilt, the never-ending need to please, and the fear of causing conflict are so draining, both emotionally and mentally. 😓

What if you could continue being your beautiful compassionate self, but only carry that which truly belongs to you? How much lighter might that feel?

Are you tired of being burdened down (by loads you were never meant to carry)?

for knowing EXACTLY where the boundary lines are in ANY situation -- so you can begin applying boundaries without
guilt, confusion, and shame!

imagine having a simple formula

Using this signature Boundaries Blueprint, my clients become empowered to start setting boundaries that feel good to their compassionate hearts -- because boundaries can be loving, respectful, and kind.


7 Eye-Opening Boundary Lessons 😍
Buckle up, my friend, because this class helps my clients see and understand their boundaries with clarity like never before. 

In fact, this 101 class contains the full-and-complete ENTIRE first training module found in my larger (8-module) Becoming Boundaried Bootcamp! 🦋

If you've been longing for a heart-centered understanding of boundaries, along with practical doable strategies to put directly into practice, look no further. 

At the end of these 7 power-packed lessons, my clients say they walk away with a toolbox of nuanced tools, radical clarity about their boundaries, and ways they can use their new tools in variety of real-life settings. 

A Practical Companion Workbook 😍
In addition to getting 8 weeks of access to the online course content (plenty of time to complete the 2+hour curriculum!), you’ll also receive a colorful and creative companion workbook (in downloadable PDF form). 

 View all your new tools at-a-glance and reflect further with journaling exercises and activities designed to let the wisdom you’ve learned sink even more deeply into your brain and body.

This is a resource you can keep forever and pull out whenever you need a little refresher. 🥰

Welcome to compassionate and foundational boundary tools that go the distance and bring boundaries to life in a fun, creative, and practical way.  

AAAAAND IT'S CURRENTLY ON SALE!!!  For a limited time only, Molly's Signature Boundaries 101 Class is available to you for only $197 $97!  

Graduates of Molly's bootcamp routinely say that just this training module ALONE was worth the full price of the entire bootcamp, regularly citing it as "life-changing."

While we'd love to have you join the full bootcamp, now you can enjoy the first module of teachings for yourself in the form of this powerful stand-alone online class, Boundaries 101: Your Personal Boundaries Blueprint. 

Welcome to Boundaries 101:
YOUR Personal BOUNDARIES Blueprint

for Breaking Free from the Cycle of Guilt, People-Pleasing, & Toxic Relationship Drama

“Molly has a gift of translating what it means to have healthy boundaries in such a magical way that it moves from an intellectual understanding in your head to an emotional understanding in your heart.”

“Once you learn that you already HAVE boundaries and that the core of your being is inherently boundaried, you can't unsee these boundaries. It feels like a TON of weight has been lifted from my shoulders and I can breathe again.”

Ruth Shares:

And Terri Adds:

"These are teachings that catalyze transformation!"

"It’s nice to be told by others that I have impressive boundaries, and I always say, ‘Well, it’s thanks to Molly Davis!’” 

Reflections from Sam:

"Omg, Molly.  

I've listened to this three times? four times?  Once last night and three times just now.  I'm sitting here weeping.

You're doing something wonderful -- something bigger than you -- like you're a catalyst or something..."

101 Words from Sasha:

clients say it best!

Lesson 1: Welcome to Your Blueprint -- My #1 Tool for Discerning the Boundary Lines in Any Situation
Get access to my signature boundaries tool – a deceptively simple way to map out where you start and stop and identify boundary lines in a variety of situations, including with family and/or partners.

Lesson 2: Permission to Be You -- How to Uncover & Start Respecting Your Own Internal Boundaries
Learn how to uncover and honor your innate internal boundaries, so that you can begin operating from your rich, unique, and beautiful center of power.

Lesson 3: When Lines Are Crossed -- Understanding Boundary Violations in Families & Groups
Deepen your understanding of complex or nuanced boundary violations (the kind that often occur in family or group settings), so you can begin addressing them from a place of honor for all (including yourself!).

Lesson 4: The Compassionate Heart’s Formula for Sustainable Giving
Discover a simple “boundaries math” formula for helping, giving, and loving in a sustainable way that does good for others without leading you down the path of misery, self-sacrifice, and burnout. 

Lesson 5: The Key to Boundaries in Romantic Relationships
Join me in debunking one of the biggest (and most unboundaried!) romantic relationship myths out there -- and the counterintuitive truth that leads to much richer, more respectful, and mutually satisfying relationships.

Lesson 6: The Six Levels of Intimacy -- Your Guilt-Free Guide to Invitational & Protective Boundaries
Step into your power with this visual framework for discerning the degree of closeness that is safe and healthy for you across different relationships, so you can set your boundaries accordingly, enjoy greater intimacy, and safeguard your own emotional well-being.

Lesson 7: The Mother of All Boundary Scripts for this Foundational Framework for Honor-Based Boundary Setting
Use the tools you’ve gathered practically to analyze the boundary lines in any situation and discover a deeply honoring rubric for communicating your boundaries to others in ways that feel good to your heart.

ENJOY 7 Powerful Boundary lessons:

Your Investment for Boundaries 101 is only $197 $97!

My name is Molly Davis, and I’m the woman behind the cartoons and the creator of the Beautiful Boundaries Bootcamp.

You mightttt be wondering: Who am I to be teaching other people about boundaries? 

Well, to start, the lessons in the bootcamp have roots in my experiences as a professional counselor, including a master’s degree in Community Mental Health; certifications/training in IFS, EMDR, and art therapy; and a range of experiences working with substance use, trauma and mental health, and couples counseling in a variety of settings, including running my own thriving private practice (with a 2 year wait list!). 

Buuuuut the truth is that the real heart and soul of this program comes most profoundly from my personal experiences as an empathic, loyal, and compassionate person -- who spent many years struggling with boundaries until I was completely burned out, exhausted, and miserable.

(So, when I say “I feel you,” I. mean. it.)

When enough was enough, and I knew it was time for a change, I decided it was well past time to figure this “boundaries” thing out.

What I discovered along this path changed my life forever, and I’ve since made it my life’s mission to share it with other compassionate-hearted people who, like myself, require softer, gentler, heart-centered methods to transform from the inside out. 🦋✨

It’s my joy and honor to lead you to the door of your boundaried empowerment.

OK, But What if I LOVE it (and want to continue to work together)?

If you end up loving Boundaries 101, qualify for the bootcamp, and decide you want even MORE tools designed to catalyze your beautifully boundaried transformation, I have some great news for you, my friend! 

Boundaries 101 is the full-and-complete 1st Step of my larger 8-step Bootcamp!  

That means if you LOVE the 101 class, you’ll be able to seamlessly slide right into the next step through the richer bootcamp program without missing a beat!  

For that reason, my 101 course is a great low-risk way to:

💪 Add some seriously powerful tools to your boundaries tool-belt, and

🤩 Test out whether you like my radically unique and creative approach to boundaries before you join the full bootcamp.

So why not give 101 a try?  It's time to say hello to using your voice, stepping into your power, and delighting in the wonderfulness of your beautiful self.

hi there.  i'm molly,

Founder and CEO of Boundaried Coaching.

Boundaries 101:
frequently asked questions

Have questions?  We've got answers!  Click on the plus symbols below to learn more: 

How much time will I have to complete this course?

The Boundaries 101 online class is broken up into 7 on-demand video trainings that, in total, will take about 2+ hours total to complete (plus whatever additional time you choose to spend completing journaling exercises and activities using the companion workbook). 

Most participants complete the course within one week, but you'll retain access to the course content itself for 8 full weeks so that you can go back over the trainings multiple times, if desired.

Additionally, the companion workbook is a downloadable PDF (as in, you get to keep it forever).  

I am considering taking the larger bootcamp program but I'm still on the fence.  Is the 101 class something I should consider or not?   

If you KNOW that the full bootcamp program with live coaching is what you want, then we recommend skipping 101 and going straight to the Bootcamp page.  

However, if you feel curious about the bootcamp but still aren't quite sure if you want to take the leap, signing up for Boundaries 101 is a wonderful way to find out (and at such a wonderful price, it's practically zero risk)!   

Molly's Boundaries 101 class contains the full content from the first module of the 8-module Becoming Boundaried Bootcamp.

That means the 101 is a great choice to test the waters and see if rich, deep-diving, and creative approach to boundaries.  We believe you'll find Boundaries 101 to be paradigm-shifting and deeply helpful.  

And if you end up LOVING 101 (and we think you will),  upgrading to the bootcamp afterwards is easy!