for knowing EXACTLY where the boundary lines are in ANY situation -- so you can begin applying boundaries without
guilt, confusion, and shame!

imagine having a simple formula

Isn't it time to set down the heavy burden of not knowing where the boundary lines are?

Our fundamental boundary confusion leads soooo many of us kind-hearted folks to carry a great deal of pain and responsibility (often not even ours in the first place).

Whether our primary boundary issues are found in marriage, dating, family, friends, or the workplace, my clients say 101 gave them radical clarity and practical insights on where their boundaries start and stop.

Even better, participants learn how to apply this information to begin setting healthy boundaries right away in every-day life!

Are you ready to experience this for yourself? Using my signature Boundaries Blueprint, I say it's time to become empowered to start setting boundaries that feel good to our compassionate hearts. 

Because our boundaries can be loving, respectful, and kind, nurturing healthier relationships while protecting us from that which would cause us harm.

With this powerful blueprint in hand, my clients gain the skills to quickly decipher what IS their responsibility (and what is NOT), where the boundary lines are being crossed, and what they can do about it (in a compassionate and pro-relational way that honors all parties involved). 


7 Eye-Opening Boundary Lessons 😍
Buckle up, my friend, because my clients say this class helped them see and understand their boundaries with clarity like never before. 

In fact, this 101 class contains the ENTIRE (full-and-complete) 1st training module found in the Becoming Boundaried Bootcamp! 🦋

If you've been longing for a heart-centered understanding of boundaries, along with practical doable strategies to put directly into practice, look no further. 

At the end of these 7 power-packed lessons, my clients say they walk away with a toolbox of nuanced tools, radical clarity about their boundaries, and ways they can use their new tools in variety of real-life settings. 

A Practical Companion Workbook 😍

Enjoy your colorful and creative companion workbook (in downloadable PDF form, yours to keep for life). 

 View all your new tools at-a-glance and reflect further with journaling exercises and activities designed to let the wisdom you’ve learned sink even more deeply into your brain and body.

This is a resource you can keep forever and pull out whenever you need a little refresher. 🥰

Welcome to compassionate and foundational boundary tools that go the distance and bring boundaries to life in a fun, creative, and practical way.  

Have a Question?  Come to a Live Q&A Session* with Molly! 😍

Your 101 Class comes with a ticket to attend a live class with Molly!  Ask your burning questions, and listen and learn from the questions of others as Molly shares wisdom, nuances, and practical guidance in real-time about how to put your Personal Blueprint to use in a variety of real-life situations.  

*Offered on multiple dates and time zones so that you can sign-up for the session that is best for you (including UK and Australian-friendly options!).

AAAAAND IT'S CURRENTLY ON SALE!!!  For a limited time only, Molly's Signature Boundaries 101 Class is available to you for a one-time fee of only $197 $97!  

Graduates of Molly's bootcamp routinely say that this series of teachings (the 101 course) ALONE was worth the full price of the entire bootcamp, regularly citing the tools in 101 as "life-changing."

Are you ready to step into a whole new understanding of boundaries? 

Welcome to Boundaries 101:
YOUR Personal BOUNDARIES Blueprint

for Breaking Free from the Cycle of Guilt, People-Pleasing, & Toxic Relationship Drama

"These are teachings that catalyze transformation!"

clients say it best!

My name is Molly Davis, and I’m the Alaskan therapist behind all the boundaries cartoons! 

You mightttt be wondering: why did I step down from counseling in order to teach compassionate people about boundaries? 

Well, to start, many of my boundaries tools have roots in my experiences as a professional counselor, including a master’s degree in Community Mental Health and certifications/training in IFS, EMDR, art therapy, and couples therapy.  

Along with teaching counseling graduate students as an adjunct professor, I've worked in a variety of therapeutic settings, including running my own thriving private practice (with a 2-year wait list!). 

Buuuuut the truth is that the real heart and soul of this class comes most profoundly from my personal experiences as an empathic, loving, and compassionate person. Like many of you, I spent many years struggling with boundaries until I was completely burned out, exhausted, and miserable.

(So, when I say “I feel you,” I. mean. it.)

When enough was enough, and I knew it was time for a change, I decided it was well past time to figure this “boundaries” thing out.

What I discovered along the way changed my life forever, and I’ve since made it my life’s mission to share my revolutionary approach with others who, like me, require a pro-relational, heart-centered, and honor-based approach to boundaries -- a method that works in harmony with our empathic nature, not against it. 🦋✨

Does this sound like something you would love? It would be my joy and honor to lead you to the door of your boundaried empowerment.  

hi there.  i'm molly,

Founder and CEO of Boundaried Coaching.